In The Spotlight

North Edgecombe High School is very excited to announce that we have exceeded growth on our report card for the third consecutive year. We are so proud of our students and staff for their hard work and achievement Our next goal is to shoot for year four. Check out the website below to view our report card! 
December 5th was our students were able to participate in our third town hall, where we built community within each advisory and within our school. Each advisory had to work as a team to create costumes that represented our 4 design anchors which are love first, rooted right here, everyone owns everything, and there is no normal students answered a variety of Quiziz questions to earn materials for their costumes.

In addition to the costumes awards were given to students in each grade who teachers felt have done an amazing job displaying the qualities of our design anchors.
Photographed on the right are our students showing dressed up to display love first. 